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Impact of giving

2021 Budget.JPG

General Fund

This fund pays for the general expenses in running the organization.  The major expense for the first year will be the lawyer's fee in establishing the organization.

Campus Events Fund

This fund pays for the various campus events hosted by Campus To Campus such as campus ministry conference, friendsgiving, and other campus ministry events.

Campus Fellowship Support Fund

This fund helps support the campus fellowships' (such as CUNY CCF) weekly club activities.  Money will go directly to the treasurer of each campus fellowship.

Gospel Camp Support Fund

This fund helps support the annual CUNY Gospel Camp.  Money will go towards supporting the general operation of GC as well as students with financial needs.

Christian Education Fund

This fund pays for ministries related to Christian education such as accountability groups, Faith & Work support, and seminary support.

3 Year Budget.JPG

Ways to give

1. Give Online

You can give online using a debit card, credit card, or checking account

2. Give via Check

You can give by writing a check payable to "Campus To Campus" and mailed to

523 Middle Neck Rd Apt 2D, Great Neck NY 11023

Why do we give?

The Act of Giving Changes Us, Making Us More Like Our Generous Creator.

God is the ultimate giver who gave the most precious gift, His son Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

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